Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Eve

Reese's preschool had a Pumpkin Patch Party yesterday. No costumes (question for our Baptist readership: is HW acknowledged or frowned upon? I ask out of curiosity and a little bit of ignorance--I know some groups don't really acknowledge it and her teach acted a little odd when I enthusiastically asked if R could wear her costume. Enlighten me, please), so R wore HW duds. Here she is in her cute outfit, pre-preschool. Also, "cheeeese," complete with crouching position.

Didn't catch a great one, but you get the idea.

Last night, we went over to the Mehtas so David could meet Nico. Here's Neal, David and sweet Miss Nico.

David and the top of Nico's head. We didn't want to rotate her too much and disrupt her.

We're looking forward to trick-or-treating tonight (many more pics to follow, promise), possibly squeezing in an opening day hunt for D, and hopefully seeing/meeting baby Simone. Lots to do! Happy Halloween.

1 comment:

M. Mehta said...

Busy, but fun weekend!

We're so glad Nico got to meet her Uncle D. :)

Also, I love your scarecrow family!!! Reese has a great "cheese"-crouch for the picture. tee hee

I am curious about the Halloween thing, too. We always wore our costumes to school, but I know kids aren't allowed to do so anymore. What gives?!