Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dress up and pretend

I'm soooo glad it's nighttime, Reese is sleeping, and I am about go crawl into bed. It's been a tough day. R misbehaved quite a bit at school today, about which I don't feel like going into great detail, at least at the moment. But anyway, lots of parenting reading lies in my future. So instead of dwelling on all that depressing stuff, here are some pics from dress up earlier tonight. I should preface: we did a trial run on R's Halloween costume, Tinkerbell. It looked fabulous, she adored wearing it, and in order to get her out of it without extreme tears, I whipped out some other dress up stuff. She filled in the rest.

Why, hello, Miss Reese! Don't you look smashing?

What do you mean this doesn't match??

Initial reaction upon seeing herself in the mirror in this particular ensemble.

Upon further reflection upon seeing herself in the mirror....

This is the face we get when R says "cheeeese" these days. It will make for a difficult holiday photo session, I'm afraid.

She really seemed proud of this outfit. Maybe it was the pink feather explosion in her hair. Very Kenley from Project Runway.

Finding my lip gloss.

Applying (eating?) lip gloss.
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"Don't I look pretty?"

After an overly eventful bath (par for the course today), R got into my shoes. When she slipped on these heels, she said, "Don't I look like Sleeping Beauty?" Huh?

Well, maybe because the heels were paired with jammies? Speaking of, I'm officially going to bed. Ready for tomorrow to come!


Bain said...

She's quite the little fashionista, isn't she! I can't wait to see the halloween getup and to search for our bounty in the neighborhood (aka: trick or treat)

Erin said...

Okay, the "cheese" whenever a camera is near must be something about this age! Corinne did it last year and that's exactly what Kellen does, too! Sigh.

On a happier note, Q looked darling in R's ladybug halloween costume at her school party today. Thanks, Reese!!