Thursday, October 9, 2008

Knock, knock

"Miracles happen!" That's what my dad said today after I told them how very well preschool drop off went. No tears at home, good moods all around during breakfast (including joke telling, which I will get to in a minute), everything AOK on the drive. Reese walked in on her own, insisting on carrying her backpack. (This always cracks me up because she holds my hand and then walks in with her other hand elevated as well, I guess because she feels like the backpack is going to slip off--maybe I should adjust the straps!--but she looks so funny with her hand high in the sky.) She sauntered into the classroom and went right up to a table and started playing. Didn't even turn around when I said goodbye. Such a relief! I have a feeling she'll be fine when I pick her up too.
So, everything that R says these days basically cracks me up. She has me laughing most of the day. Yesterday, I pulled out her DVD player (which she LOVES) and she shouted, "Super! Duper! Awesome!" This morning, over muffins, she told me a knock knock joke. How does she know about knock knock jokes? I have no idea! Anyway, she knocked on her chair and said, "Knock knock!" She stared at me for a bit (I wasn't catching on, because I really wasn't aware of her new joke), then a tad exasperated, cued me and said, "Who's there?" So I caught on and asked her, "Who's there?" And she said, "My FINGER!" Like it was the funniest thing ever! It actually was pretty funny. And this new joke brings her repertoire up to a whopping two jokes. Previously, it's been the gender swap joke that she goes for, telling everyone from our pediatrician to my parents' friends that they are the opposite gender (i.e, "Mommy, you're a GUUUUUUUY! Daddy's a GIRRRRRRRL!"). I am pretty excited we have a new one in the mix, the other one was a little worn out.
I also took some pics to prove the happy pre-preschool mood we had going on here.

R is wearing a new outfit today. She all of a sudden noticed the front of her shirt and said, "Hey! There's bats on my shirt!"

Then she examined a little closer and said, "Oh, no--those are butterflies!" Halloween's on the brain around here!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

M. Mehta said...

Sounds like you've turned a corner-- yay! Love the jokes, too. :)