Now here are the ranch pics--amazing sunset view...
..captured with a crappy digital camera. Squint and maybe you can tell how breathtaking it was.
R modeling her new and beloved tee--it embodies the many things she adores: pink, sparkly things, pink...
...and Hook 'ek Horns, at which she is getting quite good.
She practices a lot. And any time she sees a longhorn head, she announces, "Hey, Hook 'em horns!"
Then there's also this.
Another attempt at capturing that great sunset.
And, deep breath, this weekend is my 15 year high school reunion. Exhale deep breath. I can't believe it's been that long. I can't believe I'm going. Okay, I'm only going to one party, the Saturday evening shindig at Cord and Anne's house, but still. Probably will give me fodder for interesting blog posts afterward. Thank goodness for Spanx. Y'all take care.
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