Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The pampered toddler

Somehow, Reese and I agreed that I would paint her toenails today. I honestly cannot recall how the topic came up, but regardless, she was dead-set on one thing: pink toenails!
When she woke up from her nap, she immediately wanted to remove her socks and "see my new toes--pink ones!"
Her she is, "showing" her toes. Turns out that doesn't work out so well since she's really "showing" them to herself!

At one point she said, "Loot at my toes! Aren't they just beautiful? They're pink!"

Excited for painted nails.

Look, they are PINK! Also, cheeeeese.

On top of the deluxe pedi, R also got her hair cut in preparation for our holiday card photo shoot on Thursday. She's really had quite the spa day! Here's the new trim!

Pedicures are in her future!

"Mommy, can you pick me up?"
"No, honey, I'm cooking dinner for us to eat in a few minutes."

"Mommy, I want you to hold me right now."

Almost impossible to say no to this face!

Loving her new dress. She's been dancing the evening away.

And is currently running around the house pretending she's Tinkerbell and yelling, "I am having SOOOO! MUUUUCH! FUUUUUN!" We should all have more moments where we yell that aloud.


M. Mehta said...

What an adorable dress! I love the pink toes and cute haircut, as well. We should all pamper ourselves so well. Live it up, Reese! :)

Bain said...

I forsee many "mother/daughter spa weekends" in the future, I guess I'll just go hunting or clean the house while they have fun.

Shelly said...

I vote for clean the house! Hahaha.