Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pretty in pink

Miss Thang got a new chaqueta from the grands. It has "fur" around the hood, attached mittens, sparkly things on it, and is (naturally) pink. Big time!
Reese, receiving the present:

What on earth are these? They actually came in handy last night and this morning, as it has been quite cold, at least by Texas standards.

And as she studies herself in the mirror...



The coat definitely gets the seal of approval!

You can file the next image in the category of "Things You Never Really Cared to See or Know About": mac and cheese pizza. Yes, I typed that correctly, mac and cheese pizza.

R saw it at the Sunset Valley Farmer's Market today and had to have it. Gross! But she didn't seem to think so...


Bain said...

What a stylin' jacket not to mention delicious pizza, mmmmm...

M. Mehta said...

OK, that pizza looks gross!!!!

But I totally dig the jacket-- so fresh!

Cord Shiflet said...

I finally sat down and read through all the blogs I haven't kept up on. How in the WORLD do you have time to do this? I need to start doing shorter blurbs so I can retain more rathern than these marathon long ones nobody reads. What fun pics...

I miss little R. Bring her over and let's watch them play. Anne was talking about getting you and Ashley over. Let's make it happen...