Friday, November 14, 2008

Sick, sick, sick

Well, Reese has been sick for a few weeks--she had that awful cold everyone got that wouldn't go away. We did many breathing treatments, and I was convinced she was having asthma and allergies, but a few days ago, it really moved into her chest and her cough was, we went in to the doctor yesterday. Actually, Mom and Reese went in because I had to deal with aforementioned needy students. All of 1 student that showed up at office hours yesterday. Anyway, R has bronchitis. She's on antibiotics. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon--we aren't seeing it yet, but we're ready! Also, the pediatrician asked to see her again in a couple weeks so we can discuss preventative treatment because she shouldn't be sick so much. And he also requested that I, um, attend that appointment. (My translation: "I want Mom here so I can explain why she should have been in to see us much earlier and how we can avoid this next time. By the way, where is Mommy??")
Anyway, we had our holiday pics scheduled yesterday and had gone through rescheduling and all that already, so we did not cancel them. Reese was a trooper and Christi from Candid Chic Photography said she did great, despite coughing much of the time. Her work is really cute, and I am interested to see how the pics turn out.
Hopefully slightly more dignified than this:

Which was the mood right before Christi arrived, taken with my iPhone....


M. Mehta said...

Oh, no! So glad you know what it is now though, AND can treat it. . . And, seriously, no worries, Mom. You are doing a FANTASTIC job, as always.

And LOVE the outfit-- those shoes! AGAIN! Geez, I am jealous of R's wardrobe. :)

Hope to see some of those cute pics!

Shelly said...

Thank you, M. I am pretty sure I am out of the running for Mother of the Year, but that's okay by me.
And the shoes--Tar-gay! Of course. They have them in larger kids sizes....I'm just sayin'....

M. Mehta said...

hehehehe I will pick me up a pair!!! ;-P

Anonymous said...

so sorry reese is still sick! that's no fun!

i bet her pictures will be so darn cute. love the outfit!

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of sweet Reesie and hoping she feels better soon. You ARE mom of the year - no doubt in my book.
Love you all - The cousins in H-town

Bain said...

That's my girl!