Monday, September 15, 2008

The Case of the Preschool Playground Incident

I forgot to mention that Reese told my parents what happened that was so upsetting last week at school. Except, rather than telling them outright (which I have danced around and even directly upon, with no luck), she instead reenacted the event. They were in the car and she grabbed Bunny and started yelling, "NOOOO, MINE, MY BUNNY, YOU CAN'T HAAAAAVE HIM!" Come to find out (at least the best we can tell), two boys came up to R on the playground and snatched Bunny away from her. It literally brings tears to my eyes to think of scared, sweet Reese standing there in a defenseless state of shock as her precious Bunny is ripped away from her.
Anyway, we have talked about this and it still worries her tremendously. We've come up with a two part solution. The best plan would be for her to take Bunny to school with her but to leave Bunny in her cubby when they go play, and she has agreed to this, at least in theory. I'm not sure she gets the part where he won't physically be with her, but we have told her he will be safe in her cubby. The other part of the plan, in case the cubby thing ain't happening, is for her to yell (much like she did when--and has many, many times since, as "practice"--telling my parents) something along the lines of, "NO, STOP IT, MY BUNNY!" as loud as possible and then to go find Ms. Tori.
I don't know, I don't think sending her to school without Bunny is possible yet. I am obviously going to chat with Ms. Tori and maybe she can help us figure out the right approach.
Short of trying to get Bunny to morph all Donnie Darko on anyone who tries to get between him and Reesie, I am out of further ideas. But can you just imagine? That would be the ultimate ditterent....


M. Mehta said...

You are freakin' cracking me up!!!!!!!!!! I think those are excellent solutions to the crisis at hand. And I do mean crisis. What mean little bullies taking Bunny away. Go, Reese, with your bad self screaming "NO!" and you be strong, girl!

Shelly said...

I know, I can't believe I am thinking of little 2-yr-olds as being COMPLETE JERKS, but I am!
Don't you like how I make my blog all cutesy--tootsy and also put a freaky ass pic of DD up?? Does that mean I'm unstable?

M. Mehta said...

On the contrary, I think it means your on top of your game, sister. :) I love the contrast. tee hee