Friday, August 15, 2008

Week/Weekend update

Well, heeeeeelllllllllooooooooo! I'm still here.
We've had a good week. Not a whole heckuva lot to report, but we've had a couple of fun playdates, went to Tatum Shiflet's very fun 2nd bday party, went to a tasting dinner at Hudson's on the Bend (which was absolutely lovely until, as we were literally pulling onto 620, R starts spewing like a volcano, all over the car, herself and the carseat--food was maybe a wee bit beyond the palate of a 2-yr-old), had lunch with Cathleen and lots of fun family time. This is also the time of year when all of the meetings start back up again for me, signaling the rapidly dwindling "summer," although we all know that we will be dealing with the heat for at least two more months. I had an AMOA Board of Advisors meeting this week, which went well. I signed up for the Laguna Gloria committee, and although I have yet to find out exactly what that entails, I am excited to get involved with LG again. Love that place. I also have my first series of Elizabeth Ann Seton Board meetings starting up in a couple of weeks, and the marathon once-a-semester ACC department meeting happening next week. Along with that goes all the preparation for a new semester (okay, so it's not that much at this point, since I keep teaching the same online course repeatedly--I do kind of have the process down pretty well at this point), and starting to gear up for another quick trip to FL this coming week. But there's a storm heading to FL at this time (thanks, Shannon, for the heads up!), so we will be keeping an eye on that one.
Along with this time of year comes the undercurrent of excitement in Austin--yes, UT football is about to begin! So we've been supporting the team and wearing lots of orange and white. R calls all of this garb "my Tex-ass clothes." R is also desperately trying (with some success) to make the "Hook 'em" sign, and almost always requests "Eyes of Texas" for a bedtime song (which I find a little odd, even as a diehard Longhorn, but her wish is my command), during which she says alternately "hold my fingers" (in Hook 'em) and "HOOK EM HORNS!!!!!" Can't blame the girl, the blood just runs that way.
In "Tex-ass clothes", playing peek-a-boo at the ranch

Mainly including this to show off her cute UT game day dress, as well as illustrate how she is allowed to climb all over the furniture at the ranch

We've been watching a lot of Olympics at Casa Bain. How can you not? I especially love the nights with swimming and gymnastics, but it looks like both of those are nearing their ends, more or less. Here's R's gangsta-style (or whatever the ensemble brings to mind) shout out to the runners--that's her "magic 'ton" (ie, baton)--she pointed at the TV and said "Magic 'ton, RUUUUUUN, GOOOOOOOOO"

On second thought, she's got some Royal Tennebaums action going on as well

Saying "cheeeeeeeeeese," and also "don't be SHY!" (I really have no clue where she got that one)

Working her voodoo magic on Mommy

Cute smiles

R is getting increasingly excited about school. We pass by PHBC about 8 times a day (it really is that close to our house) and almost every time she yells "MY SCHOOL!" I think it's going to be a great experience for her. We're working on a few things in the meantime--potty training being at the top of the list. It's going really well, steady but a little slow. The girl can DO IT, it's just a matter of if she feels like it...but we are having very predictable daily successes. I am hoping it isn't too far away.
Really, not much else to report the past few days. I can pretty much guarantee we'll be in the pool tomorrow and Sunday, weather permitting. David's folks are in Germany right now, not sure if they are checking this or not, but if so, guten tag! My folks are in Cali for the Pebble Beach car show, also not sure if they will check in but if so, like, hi! Hope all the rest of you are well too...we'll be back soon!


Cord Shiflet said...

I can't handle rattle snake crabcakes either're not alone. Sounds like a busy week're doing too much with those boards! Good for you. LA is awesome...I'm glads people like you are dedicated to keeping it for all of us to enjoy. My calendar is wiped clean this week...I need to take Tatum out of the house for lunch and stuff...let me know if you and the other Mom's are doing anything...seeing as how I'm Mr. Mom this week. I'm up for anything...

M. Mehta said...

Reese is seriously the biggest ham, and I adore it. What fun! I love to hear her say, in response to "What are you going to do at school?": LEARN!