Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Hey campers,
Hope you are all doing well. We have been extremely occupied with life over here at the Bain house. I've been hopping to and from aforementioned meetings, as well as getting everything set up for the new semester. ACC decided to be clever and COMPLETELY change versions of Blackboard this week. It's been a total headache. Why would you do that right before a major semester begins? Why? Why not during the holiday break? Clearly no one consulted me about this decision. Anyway, I think I've got it mainly under control now, at least enough to jump into the first week of classes.
We went over to the Mehtas a few nights ago for a really fun dinner at their place and I have to say, after seeing all of the work they have done to their place first-hand, I am now even MORE impressed. Wow! It looks great!
We had a great lunch with Cord and Tatum today, and I was kicking myself for not bringing the camera. Reese and Tatum were so cute playing together. They are basically exactly the same age and have a lot of fun mimicking each other, giving hugs back and forth, and generally being sweet. For those who don't know, Anne is on bed rest as they await the arrival of baby #2, so Cord is Mr. Mom for a week or two. Tatum is going to come over and play for a couple of hours tomorrow morning to give Cord a little break and wear out Reese so she naps early before we travel (fingers crossed), so maybe I will remember to pull out the camera and get a few shots of them in action. And then we depart for Orlando tomorrow afternoon. How annoying is it that TS Fay has just stalled directly east of Orlando? Well, maybe it's not as annoying to those of you not traveling there tomorrow, but to me it is a total pain. I've called the airline and the hotel and they are all telling me to move forward as planned, it's all okay, but I am going to keep calling to be sure. We should have a pretty clear idea tomorrow morning. And we are on a direct flight, so even if there are toddler shenanigans, it should be bearable. We're staying at the Hyatt at the airport since we get in around 8 p.m., and they have a feature where they pick up your bags from baggage claim and deliver them to your room. Um, can anyone say AWESOME??!!? That sealed the deal for me. Realizing I would not have to wheel suitcases, drag the carseat and maneuver the child and carry-ons all at the same time was such a happy moment. That, and we can literally walk through the concourse to the hotel and not have to get in a motor vehicle. Sold!
The plan is for David to pick us up Friday midday, head to Sea World for a bit to wear R out (weather may prevent that plan) (do you see a recurring pattern of me trying to exhaust my child into complete naptime submission?? Is that a problem??), then drive down to DelRay, where we will spend the weekend getting David all set up for the next few months. Well, we'll probably go to the beach and pool, eat a bunch and do some fun shopping too. And I will post all about it when I get back next week. So, send "Go away Fay" vibes toward FL and wish me luck. We're off again!


Erin said...

Have fun! And good luck with the weather. xo, E

ps - I am totally on board with the "wear the kids out so they sleep" plan. :)

Stephreese said...

Good Luck!!! I'm sure that you guys will have a lovely time even if that means being on lock down lol! I will defiantly be sending good JuJu your way!

I totally understand about blackboard!! They love to change it! And it's always at the least convenient time! Plus they always have system work done during finals which is also super awesome lol!
<3 Steph

M. Mehta said...

GOOD LUCK! At least the direct flight will make for less sweating in between flights. :) And if Reese has her "'puter", she'll be entertained for about 4 minutes each video. ;-P Enjoy your weekend! (I am ignoring Fay in hopes she goes away)

Leya said...

Have fun in FL and tell David hi for us! I'm in love with airport hotels for that baggage reason. So incredible! The boys can't wait to see pics of R at Sea World : )