Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friends and funny faces

R is having a blast playing with Major and Blaize...
Blaize helps her up the stairs at the Amangani.

Blaize loving the nino burrito at Pica's.

Reese, getting in on the funny face fun at lunch!

More silliness at Pica's....

It's our last night in WY. We've had a great visit and have loved spending so much time with the Oswalds--we'll really miss them once we're back in Austin! R will most definitely miss the massive amounts of attention she gets from Major and Blaize--they are so sweet to play with her and think a lot of what she says is hysterical. She thinks pretty much everything they do is pretty hysterical too!

1 comment:

Leya said...

They were so sad to see you all leave! Z & M are already missing Reese.