Friday, August 29, 2008

Mermaids and the lone merman!

Before we get to the swimming finale, here are a couple cute pics of us pre-preschool open house, where we met R's teachers, Ms. Tori and Ms. Eva, and saw the classroom. R seemed to enjoy playing with the toys and appeared to be comfortable there, which is good.

Today was the "learn the ropes" day for the adults. Gwen taught us basically what we need to do to continue with this swimming process. Fairly straightforward, but in a tough love kind of way.
Reese swims to me from the side.

Reese floats on her back.

Reese clings to me, exhausted after working her little butt off.

Several of the swim pupils came over to my parent's house for a post-swim lesson get-together. We had some well earned pizza and ice cream, but we ultimately couldn't keep the little show-offs out of the pool. I swear, they swim better than I do.
Dad has his hands full with Reese and RJ.

Reese, in the buff, swimming for the side.

Three little swimmers--Sloane, Reese and RJ. BTW, if you are wondering about the entry title, RJ was the sole boy in this set of lessons, so he was surrounded by the ladies. (okay, as a much-later added commentary item: Reese clearly has absorbed our in-depth Olympics viewing and realizes the importance of reaching for the buzzer--girl, you've got it! Reach for that wall! 2024 games, here we come!)

Sawyer and RJ swim to Dad. Seriously, we couldn't get them out of the water--it was really fun for them to practice and perfect their new skills.

I think Gwen is a miracle worker!
Thanks again to the Shiflets for setting this up and having us all over, and thanks to my parents for providing the spot for the "graduation party"!


M. Mehta said...

First of all, I love that your open house outfits are all fabulously color-coordinated! :) It sounds like it went well!

And I am so impressed with the swim lessons- awesome job, kiddos!!! You can already see their confidence, since the post-lesson party looks like a blast!

Shelly said...

We were such matching dorks at the open house--and I might add, WAAAAAAY over dressed. Oh well!
The lessons were insane and incredible. I don't really know how else to describe them. Although--I think I might need to go back and make the point that R watched the Olympics very diligently and is reaching for the buzzer so as not to be cheated in the "three toddler race"! ;)

M. Mehta said...

hee hee I'm pretty sure I've heard her yell, "Reese Madison "Phelps" Bain!!!!" :)