Sunday, December 6, 2009

Obla-di, obla-da

Enough about being home-bound! I sound like broken record these days. Truth is, family and friends have been enormously helpful in making this a fun time for Reese and helping us get ready and settled. My family in Austin helped us set up the kitchen/pantry and make other key rooms livable the day after TG: we had an army of 10 at one point plugging away! My parents have helped unpack the house and have been key in setting up the baby's nursery and pretty much every other room. They have also taken R out and about almost every day--a true life saver. David's parents have come in a couple of times and helped us get closets and the playroom set up; last night, they cooked us a lovely dinner and set up our beautiful Christmas tree, which is helping everyone get into the holiday spirit. Last weekend, the Shiflets took R for a few hours for a wonderful playdate at their house. It involved princess dress-up, cookie decorating, and off road driving. Yesterday, the Kitchens took R for yet another fab outing: gingerbread house construction at Lowe's (where they often have great kid-friendly building activities--how cool!), then bouncing and more dress-up at their house. Needless to say, R is getting spoiled by these super-special outings! I am so impressed that everyone is so creative and energetic! Monique brought me lunch, and I had a chance to visit with both Monique and Erin for awhile yesterday--let me tell you, the day practically sailed by!

So, without further adieu, here are some pics of R's recent outings...
Cord's a prince of a friend (and Anne a princess) for having R over to play!

Pretty in pink!

These two are darling together...

..and are obviously great buddies! Cuties!

R chatted away

And apparently is a little scary behind the wheel. Fast forward 13 years and this may still be the case!

Thank you, Shiflet fam!

Yesterday, R loaded into the Kitchen's car and headed out. I love K's expression here. Also, R is in fact wearing an enormous tutu to Lowe's. That's just how she rolls.

Making the cute little houses...

The brave Kitchens loaded them all into the cart for some shopping! Love this pic!

Is there anything better than bouncing?

Clearly a happy girl!

I think maybe steam was running out at this point--they all look a little peaked....

I really love this pic--some SERIOUS dressing up going on!

Thank you, Kitchens for another super fun play date!

So, not much else to report since I haven't left the house or a two-room radius in 4 days. BP is still high but we're hoping to hold out for the Wednesday induction. It's driving me a little crazy not to be able "nest" and finish unpacking. But I am so very grateful for all of the help we are getting every single day. I am loving getting emails and checking in with everyone's blogs and FB--helps pass the time. So, signing off from bed for now....I will try to post at least once more before Wednesday but I guess anything could happen at any time!


Kelly Sweazea said...

Wednesday the 9th is my birthday! How fun would that be?!? Hope all goes well! :)

Shelly said...

Thanks Kelly! There's a good chance you will be sharing your b-day with brand new baby boy this year! :)

Sarah said...

I cannot wait to meet R! She is so darling. Keeping you all in my prayers. I can't wait to hear your happy news. What a special time of year. xoxo

ashley said...

cute pictures! when my cough goes away, we would love to help with reese. would love to take her and rj to a movie--and they can have a slumber party at our house. :)

M. Mehta said...

What adorable pictures. LOVE R in her cute tutu at th hardware store! :)