Monday, April 26, 2010

Calm after the storm

Y'all. I'm exhausted. We had a whirlwind of a weekend. The Rollingwood 5K was Friday night (Laila and I teamed up on race course logistics again--which went very smoothly and was a lot of fun), and I spent all day Saturday prepping the silent auction for the Seton Board gala Saturday night. That was a lot of work, but well worth it. I have no pictures of either of these things at the moment though...
I do have documentation of David being a kick-a daddy. He is way more brave than I am--he had both kids solo all day Saturday and loaded them up and took them out to a festival at the Hill Country Galleria. There were bounce houses, dunking stations, face painting, cotton candy and kettle corn. Oh, and a certain princess that Reese was just slightly jazzed to meet. Seriously! I got this pic as a text while I was working at the Polo Fields and was momentarily stunned. ("How did he do that?")

I guess I need to try getting out with them a little bit more! I get so overwhelmed thinking about corralling them both, and what if one has to nurse and the other use the potty? Oy vey! It seriously makes me all twitchy just thinking about it. But apparently if you don't overthink it, you can be a very cool, awesome parent. Not nervous nelly Shelly.

David got Weston dressed, ready to score a gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal.

I'm taking it SUPER easy for the next few days. I am still wiped. But I did decide we need to start switching it up a little for Mr. W. First time in the Bumbo!

Which went well. And apparently the hands are quite delicious, thank you very much!

And that's all, folks! I'll check back in this week but I am not anticipating having a whole lot to say. :)


M. Mehta said...

LOVE the soccer outfit!!!

And, D is definitely brave. I have a hard time going out in public with one. :)

So cute to see R with the princess!!!

lissalynn said...

weston just gets cuter and cuter as he grows. nice work. the bumbo seems to serve him well. Reese is adroable as always!

Erin said...

K has that same soccer outfit!!! By the time W is old enough, K will be ready to teach him some soccer skills! :)