Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hopping to it

What a fun early Easter celebration we had this past weekend! We met up with everyone at UHF for a lovely spring weekend...all photos courtesy of my fabulous SIL Christine! Thank you!

Mary Blake, Bain and Reese decorated an Easter cake. Let's just say the icing was, um, sufficient. And then some. Look how proud they are of it! So cute!

Then there was an egg hunt eggs-travaganza with the cousins--Gigi went all out with dozens and dozens of eggs hidden all over the place. The girls before the excitement begins. You can tell they are working on their strategies of attack!

And she's off!

Georgia helps Reese "find" the golden egg....

Impressive haul!

So many eggs. Some were even pink!

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Next year, Weston, you will partake in the fun, I promise!

The happy egg hunters!

(Some of) the guys (minus Bain & Uncle Victor)

So much fun!


M. Mehta said...

How cool! It was the perfect weekend. What's UHF??

Shelly said...

It really was great! UHF = Union Hill Farm...

lissalynn said...

wow weston is getting big... and cute! looks like a lot of fun. im so glad that you have such fun friends

ashley said...

looks so fun! all of the kids are so cute together!