Friday, March 12, 2010

Quick pix

Days are practically whizzing by these days!
Last weekend, we went to Emmylou's super fun bday. The rain held off long enough for R to ride several rides. Then we celebrated and had the cutest cupcakes known to man. I didn't get a picture (because it would seriously shame my mommy skillz) but maybe there's one on Becca's blog. The fest was held at Kiddie ACres, a great spot to take the wee ones in N. Austin.
Reese picked the pink car (shocking!!!) to "drive"...

She was thrilled to be at the top of the ferris wheel: "Mommy, we are REALLY REALLY high!"

And drove the boat. Fun times and happy 4th, Emmylou!

Then, there's this guy. He's super happy 99% of the time, even when he's sick--he's been so congested, with a rattling chest and runny nose. Poor guy. You wouldn't know from these pics from last night though. Little trooper!

I'm curious if any of you have had a super congested infant (W is 3 mos old now). If so, what worked for you? We are taking him into steam showers, running the humidifier and using saline/suction on his nose. What else?


M. Mehta said...

If he's having trouble sleeping, you can also try letting him 'sit' up in the carseat, but, otherwise, you're doing all the things that the pedis recommend!

Great party pics-- that place looks SO FUN!

Shelly said...

We do have him sleeping on one of those wedges, but they are only recommended for up to 4 mos., so wondering what to do next? Weston HATES his car seat (aren't infants supposed to love them?) that won't work for him, sadly.
Kiddie Acres is awesome! Totally old school. Let's take the kiddos soon!

Kath said...

Have you talked to Sandy about what worked with Stephie?

As for daytime when you are not holding him, have you considered a bouncy chair. You know the kind that is a metal frame that forms an acute angle with the surface you place it on and Westin could bounce. I am thinking that more exercise with his arms might help him clear his lungs.

Lastly - it may be the puppies? Hope NOT.
