Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Frou frou doodles

The pooches were pampered today with a little grooming.

Greta's fancy in her highlighter-pink bows....and wow, how her fur poofs when the pros do it!

Roscoe says, "See, I really do have eyes and nose!"

These two are a constant blur of orange and black, so pics of both are tough. David was a little embarrassed to walk out into the parking lot with such fussy pets. He literally ran into oncoming traffic to get to the car! I guess they aren't the most manly pets ever!

But they sure are sweet animals, and really amazing with both of the kids. Roscoe is not one bit fazed by a crazy preschooler or a crying baby. Greta is so amazingly protective of Weston--she always puts herself between West and the puppy and has even gone so far as to put her head on top of West's so Roscoe wouldn't sniff him. I seriously doubt Roscoe would hurt him, he's just kind of goofy and awkward still--he might trip on him or something.
Anyway, this is kind of a boring post. Sorry! Blogging is just a fun way for me to pass nursing time these days! :)


emmylou + miller said...

They are SO, SO cute!

At first I really did think you were crazy to get a new puppy now but in reality, now is probably the most you're around the house anyway. You're a brave woman!! Can't wait to meet Roscoe (and Weston!!)!
xo, becca

M. Mehta said...

Adorable. And David can put them in his 'murse' to feel more manly.