Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sweet daddy and daughter...and the octagon...

I was running errands late this afternoon and I got a text from D to be quiet when I got back because he was able to get Reese to nap. Now, this has been an issue in our house lately. Let me rephrase that: this has been an ISSUE in our house. R can climb out of her crib quite easily now, and yes, the big girl bed is coming next week, but in the meantime, naptime has turned into a hideous drawn out two hours of me trying to get her to rest. The crib isn't an option because she pops out. I try making her a nap spot on the floor but it doesn't work. I let her relax in our bed, even watch a little TV, but no dice. I am losing it folks--because before, even on days when she barely napped or didn't at all, she stayed in her crib for 2-3 hours at a time. And often napped that amount of time too. She still needs the rest, I still need her to rest like that, etc. I've tried bargains, being very authoritative and making it a "rule", anything and everything I can think of with no luck.
Apparently, Daddy's got the magic touch. How sweet is this scene?

I didn't get a perfect pic because I didn't want to ruin the moment. But I had to capture it!

On the other hand, R has been calling me "octagon" all afternoon. I was confused and wondering why I was being identified as a (rather unflattering) shape, but then I realized she was FREAKING CALLING ME OCTOMOM!!!!! I'd rather look like a stop sign! We listen to CNN on XM when we're in the car and they were talking nonstop about that insane lady today. And so now R is referring to me as "Octagon," the Octomom. There was some frantic negotiating and mild hyperventilating when I realized what was going on. But no more references between dinner and bedtime, so maybe it's gone. I'll be quickly changing channels tomorrow...
Another funny thing R said today--after I gave Greta her bath, I was brushing her massive mounds of fur, and I made a comment about brushing her beard.
R stopped what she was doing, looked at me and said in the most hysterical high-pitched feigned shock falsetto: "What??!! Greta has a beard? Like a maaaaaaaaan?" I don't know, maybe it was a location situation, but it is still cracking me up.
Here's our bearded lady. She does need some professional grooming, and stat!

I will be praying for rain that ends at noon on the dot tomorrow--our neighborhood women's club is hosting our annual 5K fun run to raise money for the parks. I am in charge of race course logistics, for which I signed up to be of help but not bite off a big huge hunk. You know. Anyway, I have ended up being a little more stressed about this than I figured. The overwhelming chance of intensely severe wicked storms isn't really helping. Neither is the fact that RunTex running groups are using it as a training run. I really want it to go off well and seem well-run and not totally amateurish. So, send sunny vibes at 5:30 tomorrow afternoon. And check it out online if you are interested ( If you are partial to soggy jogging, please come join us tomorrow! See you on the flip side...


ashley said...

i could talk about nap issues all day! it has been such a problem for almost a year-- and I refuse to give up the nap! the ONLY way rj will nap is if i sleep next to him on my bed (seems like david figured this out too). hopefully, reese will be begging to take a nap in her big girl bed next week! good luck!

M. Mehta said...

I am currently trying to START a freakin' nap schedule, since our baby is all over the map every day. . . Sweet picture there though. And love the "octagon"/Octomom (crazy!) and "beard" comments. Hilarious!

georgia said...

Hi Aunt Shelly!I love the halloween stuff!
Love ya!