Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bum money and the like

We've been singing songs a lot. Our Reese does not shy away from performing, singing and dancing with as much gusto as her little body allows. Every time we're on the hike and bike trail, she makes up songs as we walk along, usually ending the song in a dramatic and loud manner. Everyone turns to look and laugh. The other day, she sang (with both hands in Hook 'Em), "The stars at night are big and bright, 'til Gabriel blows his HOOOOOORN!" I really liked the combination of the songs. :)
But two nights ago, after we had been singing lots of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Annie songs all evening, I was putting R to bed. I started singing one of the usuals, but she stopped me to make a request.
Here's how it went.

Reese: No, Mommy. Don't sing that song. I want you to sing the "dollar on your bottom" song.
Me: stunned silence
R: Mom-meee, sing the "dollar on your bottom" song!
Me: Um. Er. Hmm, I don't know that one?
R: Yes, you do. The "dollar on your bottom" song! The "tomorrow" one!
*taking a moment to process*
Me: Ooooh, you mean "bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun!" Got it. And please don't ask for that song at school tomorrow.

Okay, I didn't say the last line but I really hope she didn't bring up the fact that her mommy likes to sing about the dollars on her bottom. No telling what they'll make of that...and also, how funny is it that R thinks of dollars being on someone's backside when she hears the phrase "bottom dollar"?

The big girl bed has arrived! R is up playing on it. I don't have my camera right now but will take some pics with my phone. As soon as I get back the camera, I'll put a few up of the 5K and weekend farm visit.

1 comment:

M. Mehta said...

I have been singing "Tomorrow" to Nico for the past week-- Is Annie about to be in town or something? I must've seen a commercial.

Too cute: I already love R's 'big finishes' during her performances. Brilliant!

Can't wait to see the big-girl bed. Hope the transition goes smoothly!