Friday, January 9, 2009

Talkin' about the Midnight Rambler

Happy New Year! Clearly, blogging wasn't at the top of my NY resolutions list. Actually, I didn't really make any hard and fast resos this year. I am going to try to organize and plan our weekly meals at home better this year. Let's see how that is working out...hmmm, we've eaten out, oh, every single meal this week. So, it's going really well! Ahem.
Here are some pics of R cooking up a storm (at least someone in our house is doing it) in her new pink kitchen, which we now have thanks to Senor Claus.

She was making "cookies" but quickly got distracted by the Rolling Stones on TV. Much dancing ensued.

Also, Mommy thought it would be hysterical to have R pose with her tongue out, you know the Stones and all.

You can see how well that turned out.

Reese actually got tired of Mommy demanding that she stick out her tongue.

Reese and Mick, jamming out.

Fluffy furball cutie.

How can you say no to a face like that? Needless to say, Greta gets up on the couch a lot.

between toddler antics and puppy messes, I feel like I am running around nonstop. Oh fine, I have also been obsessively reading the Twilight series. Yes, it's "Young Adult" literature about vampire love. Laugh all you want, it completely sucks (har har) you in. So I am almost done with the 3rd out of 4 books. I do recommend the books; I strongly do NOT recommend the movie. That's my $.02.
Off to chase children and canines and squeeze in some more reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel like i'm the only person who doesn't love twilight! i liked it-- but i'm not sure if i'm going to read the next 3 books. if they are really good-- tell me! what makes the movie not so great?