Thursday, June 5, 2008

Toddler reality

This is this morning, about 30 minutes ago. I am in the background, preparing a syrup drenched waffle for the munchkin. And yes, those are bubbles. Bubbles and waffles in the a.m., people. Seriously!

Alas, it was not enough....we are starting to have regular doses of 2-yr-old antics. Lest it seem like we're shiny happy people all the time around here.

And if that dress looks familiar from, oh I don't know, the previous post, it's because it is one of 3 dresses that Reese insists on wearing repeatedly. While shunning all the other cute, under-utilized dresses in her closet.
Every morning she wakes up and announces, "I want to wear dress. Polka-not dress." (which is what you see) I think maybe it would be easiest for me to go back to Target and load up on these dresses. That is, until she changes her mind and gets tired of this and likes stripes or something. Or maybe, maybe (I'm stretching it here) pants and shorts....

1 comment:

M. Mehta said...

Well, it IS a cute a dress!