Friday, June 6, 2008


We've had a super fun morning over here--our friends F & A (and baby F too!) and their mommies M & S came over to swim and play. We all took a dip in the pool, despite the rainy and gray weather. Here's a pic of F, R and A cold chillin' by the pool. It just doesn't get any cuter than these precious bathing beauties!

A's mommy S made Reese these super adorable bloomers with her name on them! Of course Reese was being modest and didn't give me a full view for the camera. That's a good girl. But we do love the monogrammed cute-ness! So exciting.

I think Reese is down for the count for a nice, long nap. Score for Mommy! :)

1 comment:

Bain said...

Love all the pics and updates, sounds like Mommy is doing a great job keeping everything under control! Would love some hard copies of the pics when you get a chance. See you two soon, love Daddy