Monday, August 17, 2009

New school is cool!

Just dropped off R at her new school! She certainly understood the implications of school this year: that I would be dropping her, she'd be staying there, and then I'd come back to pick her up after a myriad of other activities. So, she was clued in about the first day this time, unlike last year. We talked about it a lot, she was very excited this morning, and helped me load all of her stuff in the car.
Here's the pupil, ready to learn!

We waltzed right into the classroom, and R was the second one from her class there. They are combining two classes this week, so there was one older girl already there too. This worked out GREAT, because this little girl had already had R's teachers and knew all the activities; she took her hand and started showing her all the fun stuff to play with and I had to go track R down to say goodbye to her. As I was leaving, one of the little girls we met on Friday was coming in, so R already had a little friend there. So, after a quick goodbye and reassurance that I'd be back after nap time, I was on my way (with 6 glorious, luxurious hours to myself ahead of me! Okay, I have lots of work to do, but still...). And I am proud to report there was nary a tear in sight--not from Reese, nor from mommy.
Going into the classroom.

The crazy thing: R's preschool class is in the same quad-pod where my kindergarten class was located! So, it's kind of coming full circle! And makes me realize: she's such a big girl these days!
I'll update after the first day is complete. Until then, send her happy prayers and good thoughts today. It's an adjustment and a new chapter, but it's going to be great, I can already tell.


M. Mehta said...

Such a big girl!

Erin said...

Glad it went so well!!

ash said...

how did our babies turn into children?! so happy that the first day of school went well!