Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dare I say?

I certainly don't want to jinx anything, but....
I think the new school situation is a HUGE SUCCESS!!!!!
Pick-up yesterday went great. MOF, R didn't want to leave because they were about to have popcorn for a snack. So, we had to micro some kernels at home, just so she didn't feel like she was completely missing out. The teacher said they had a fantastic day, and R even napped for a little while.
This morning, she eagerly got ready. Once we were on our way, she starts yelling "Hip-hip-hooray" out of the blue! Then, as I was getting all her things situated (my, there is a lot of stuff that preschoolers need), she went off to play with the other kids and would barely even take a moment to say 'bye to me--she was so engrossed. I'd say she loves her new school! Yippee!!!