Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Case of the Aspirated Almond

Reese, Ma Pam and I spent most of Wednesday shuffling between doctor's offices and the Dell Children's Hospital. Reese has had a cold since the weekend but her breathing became quite labored Tuesday night--I pulled out the nebulizer and luckily, we had some of the Albuterol left to fill it so I gave her a few treatments. I called the doc anyway b/c she was still laboring even after the treatments and we went to see him. He was worried she might have aspirated an almond she was choking on Saturday at the ranch--it would have been stuck in her lung. So off we went to Dell....
We are waiting for the specialist to review the x-rays (the device they put toddlers in for chest x-rays looks like something from a Medieval torture chamber), and in the meantime, Dr. Louis wants to see us again today, so off we go. But I am guessing it is just a follow up and we are doubting that the almond is actually stuck there. Or a fragment of it anyway. So....that's what we've been up to. Fun huh?

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