Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New diagnosis

I took R to her pediatrician yesterday--her mouth was still bothering her and she also had red spots all over her backside (developed on Saturday, still there), plus as yesterday progressed, sores/blisters starting popping up all over her feet and the soles of her feet. You can see where this is going. The girl's got Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease. Sounds awful and like it is related to Hoof & Mouth, but they are not the same. Instead, it's related to Chicken Pox, but it's not nearly as severe. Just really, really contagious. Ugh. I've called the moms of the kiddos we've been around (so sorry sweet cousins and RJ)--I feel awful about exposing them. I'm a big proponent of not bringing the sick kid around the healthy kids and hate it when I unknowingly do just that! Again--ugh. Anyway, sores continue to break out on R's feet and I'm watching her hands closely. Right now we are on hold because we have to wait until the sores stop forming before we can count days that we aren't contagious (although it sounds like come Sunday, she'll be much less so). Anyway, swim lessons are on hold and all play dates have to be rescheduled at this point. If you live in ATX, know that the pediatrician had not seen any cases before yesterday but R was the 2nd case of the day, so he thinks we'll start seeing a lot more of it--it hits during summertime. Lots of hand washing and watching for symptoms....


M. Mehta said...

Oh, no! I am so sorry! This is really, really common, I hear. When we were going to visit one of the daycares last fall, we had to reschedule 'cause practically the whole infant class had it. :( And what a bummer, because now R can't visit her friends and such. Hang in there and hoping for a quick recovery!

emmylou + miller said...

Poor Reese! Best wishes for a super speedy recovery.