Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun weekend! And kinky bubbles....

We had a lovely weekend! D & I went to see Angels & Demons on Friday and also had a couples-only dinner on Saturday--two "date nights" in a row to celebrate D's b-day--fun times! Yesterday we went over to the Shiflet house for the official opening of "Camp Cord" season. R and I spent lots of time over there last summer and have great memories. The kick-off weekend was a little chilly but we still had a great time.
Several of us in the hot tub, the preferred body of water considering the temps.

Daddy and Reese in the hot tub. You can tell she's about to launch--lots of "swimming" under water in the hot tub yesterday--good stuff!

Reese, probably "convincing" Tatum, that she was done with the boat float. As she was going to bed last night, R told me her favorite parts of the day were "swimming in the hot tub" and "floating in the yellow boat."

After water activities, there was rather exuberant chasing of bubbles. When we were driving away, much to R's chagrin, she told us she did not want to leave, wanted to go back and would in fact, "just walk back to Tatum's house." Drama queen at the age of 3...I can't wait to see what the teen years hold for us!

We got Reese a new toy this weekend.

Get your minds out of the gutter. It's the bubble solution for her bubble wand. But it does look awfully strange. David definitely questioned me about it when he came home and saw it on the counter....
See, here's R with the actual wand.

Greta "helps"--and wow, she's getting to be a big doggie now!

Here are a few more pics of the 'doodle. She's got such a funny personality. Several of these are Greta chasing Nunu, the polaris in our pool.

Summer's almost here!


M. Mehta said...

Cute! Looks like y'all had a great time. I love R's dress.

Leya said...

Um, where can I get a dress like Reeses?? That's too cute!