Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Out of control!

Reese jamming out to Under the Sea in the car yesterday.

We were rushing through the pouring rain yesterday, trying to get to the car. I was barking orders to run, run, we had to hurry & get inside. Meanwhile, Reese's rainboots kept slipping off & she was generally having trouble rushing. When she got in the car, she announced, "Well, you were a little bit out of control.". Oops! Patience, Mama....

In the meantime, here's what little Weston has been up to lately:

He is mobile! Crawling, cruising, contemplating steps. It's exhausting! And hard to keep up with him! You'd never know he was sick, he's so busy...

1 comment:

M. Mehta said...

LOL! Oh, Reese...

Wow, mobile! Walking soon? eek!