I forgot to post these pics of the finished Roxanne Swentzel piece. We saw this last fall as she was sculpting it and arranging it on her studio floor. Here's the finished product, on the wall at the Santa Fe convention center. Amazing!
Here are a couple of images for scale (which makes it even more impressive):
A couple of weeks ago, I walked into the living room, and noticed that the Greta was lying on the couch (naughty) in the only sunbeam coming into the room. It was like she was the "chosen dog" or something.
I can't forget Roscoe. He wasn't highlighted quite as interestingly. :)
My cousin Tessa graduated from the McCombs School last weekend. None of the family pics turned out great on my cam, but here's one. We are so proud of her!
The graduate received roses from a special admirer. :)
Then we celebrated at Green Pastures afterward. Reese and Dylan played like crazy--you can tell she's been running around by looking at her cheeks. She's also hanging on Dylan's every last word. She adores him and announced, "I have 4 cousins! Georgia, Bain, Mary Blake and Dylan!" Here she is, waiting for him to speak...
Then we went out to the farm for some fun in the sun with the fam! Bain and Reese rafting...
Weston loved watching everyone swimming--I know he cannot wait to join in soon!
Reese and Mary Blake, two peas in a pod.
Big smiles!
Two cuties!
Bain belly flops!
The kids and Blake splashing around.
Four dogs at the farm (Greta, Roscoe, Bingo and Sam)! They were all following D around. Check out Greta's acceleration to fetch--WOW! She's fast. And a fetching maniac.
So, I've been passively concerned about W's lack of interest in rolling. He's rolled back-->front a few times but never the other way around (weird because it's supposed to be easier). Tummy time has become all about scooting and inching forward and around, not rolling. So, of course I put him down and he immediately went into a tripod on his own. Who needs rolling when you can tripod-sit and scoot around? He will show me!!
Checking out his stuff.
So proud of himself!
Toes have also been recently located, and they are fabulous.
Jumpin' away in the jumparoo!
He'll do what he wants to on his own time, I guess. Sitting is coming soon!
Go, Weston!
Love the piece in Santa Fe.
And the farm looks FUN! What a great pool. Bingo looks super-cute, too! :)
PS - YAY, Tessa! :)
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