And of course, everything that I reflect upon ultimately comes back to Reese and what she's been doing.
We've added preschool (which will be changing yet again this fall), dance lessons and swim lessons into the mix during the last year. She's transitioned into her big girl bed, and while there was an adjustment period, she's doing a truly amazing job of falling asleep on her own at night (after stories, songs, hugs and kisses) and staying there until a very, very reasonable hour in the morning. We've mainly lost a reliable daily nap (parents everywhere flinch at that bit of news). But it really isn't all bad, it turns out--we can run errands in the afternoon, or swim, or just relax. And she doesn't get overly tired by evening, but she is ready for sleep, which comes to her pretty quickly once she's tucked in.
She decided she was ready to be potty-trained last month and rather than a weeks-long battle (which I half expected as inevitable), she was doing it like a pro off the bat, a few scattered accidents aside.
She really amazes me, not only with the precocious things she says and the unexpected things she does, but with her willingness to adapt and try new things. She's such a sweet little girl, she loves her family and friends tremendously and cares about everyone in her life in a way that I didn't realize was possible at the age of (almost) 3. And she's so caring in her interactions with her sweet little friends, her relatives, even friends' younger siblings. It fills my heart and makes me so proud to watch her interact and be such a delightful and conscientious little human being.
Which is so reassuring, because we will be adding a little boy to the family come December. I'm 15 weeks pregnant! And Reese truly could not be more excited--she's almost been visibly aching for a younger sibling for some time now. I have no doubt she will be caring, careful, nurturing and attuned to the new guy once he arrives--she already talks to him, hugs and kisses him and "feels his hands" (not really, but I'm not correcting, and I cannot wait until she really can!).
I took this photo literally the moment we told her she was going to be a big sister:
I can't really write anything that expands upon the enthusiasm, excitement and curiosity you see there. She's going to be a natural, wonderful big sister. I can't help but think: "What a lucky little boy, having such a fun and smart big sis!"
Since we told her the news, she's going around, and lieu of introduction, telling people, "My mommy has a baby in her belly. A little brother!"
I figured since the world was finding out, one introduction at a time, I could help out a super-proud big-sis-to-be by spreading the news a little bit more about another change, but this one much larger--the blessing of a baby on the way.
Aw, such great news~ I couldn't be happier for you guys! And you're right, Reese is going to be a fantastic big sister. Yay!!!
such a blessing! i am so happy for all of you and can't wait to meet the little guy. :)
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